March 13, 2012

Ecoute-Moi, Ma Cherie!

It's about time to set the record straight, kegel exercises do work! Ask the men who experience the benefits of their ladies working out their lady parts as well men who practice them (yes, men do so as well) can perform better in the 'ooo la la' department. Kegel exercises enable women and men to work out the inner muscles of their treasures, yes, the vagina and the penis.

Ladies usually squeeze and release the muscles in the vagina, the same neighborhood where muscles to contract and release urine exist.   One set of exercise comprises of holding (contracting) and then releasing those muscles 10 seconds at a time. Sooo...

Hold for 5 seconds.
Hold for 5 seconds.
Hold for 5 Seconds.
Hold for 5 Seconds.
(Try increasing the hold time to 10 seconds as you get use to it).

Now do 10 sets of 5 above. In no time, you will be a Kegels pro!
Keep your lady parts firm, fit and fab!
As for men, click here to understand the Kegels phenomenon.


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